Saturday, 25 October 2014

The Various Topics or Fields that Coaching Encompasses

1.Business and Executive Management:
Coach is a business or executive coach he or she may be called into a company in order to coach the CEO or the Chairman at a higher level. He or she may come into to develop a successful sales team or to motivate staff. This type of coaching can be highly lucrative and profitable. However it can also be very satisfying.
 2.Entrepreneur and Small Business: This has opened up another field for Executive and Business Coaches. Those starting up new businesses and this is a very growing area. The Coach can give the client an action plan for launching his new business and also growing the new business. This could be from finding out what product or service the client wants to provide the market. Also as the business becomes more successful this could encompass sales and marketing to business planning to employing staff and management. Also as Entrepreneurs tend to work long hours as they are involved in their startups. The Coach can also look at the work/life balance or health. So the areas can all be interconnected.
3.Health and Wellbeing: This such a huge market as the population is getting older and wanted to become fitter and healthier. Its also about diet and exercise and mental and physical wellbeing. You can even develop your own niche and add other niches as you become more experienced in coaching in other health or fitness areas.
4.Relationship,Family and Dating: Another huge market as you can be a love coach,dating coach or even a marriage or family coach. You may even coach singles,couples or even families in order to resolve personal challenges or issues. However remember you are coaching them not counselling your clients.
5.Time Management: This could be both for personal and professional clients and who does not need more time or to manage their time better.Its the one resource that everyone has equally. Successful people utilise their time rather then wasting it. However Their are techniques that the coach can provide to the client to making him or her more effective in managing their time.
The Above are the first five most popular fields that the Coaches coach their clients on.

I will give the following brief breakdown on the coaching areas in my next blog.

Re:Business and Executive Coaching

I am just going to give a brief description of Business and Executive Coaching. A Business and Execuitve  Coach usually will be brought on a freelance or contract basis. The Business Coach may provide coaching to the CEO or the Senior management team of a major company. They may even need to motivate the the team or employees. Also They may provide external training and business coaching to develop the companys goals and objectives. The Business and Executive Coach can also look at the sales and profits of the company. They are like a new pair of eyes and they can see the wood for the trees. They can also work with other coaches to bring dynamic leadership and re-energise the workforce. Its also very profitable and lucrative but very satisfying to both to the coach and the firm.

Saturday, 11 October 2014

Coaching:New Strategy on Personal Self Development and Achievement

Coaching is the New Strategy on Personal Self Development and Achievement.
Its the new Paradigm (I.e a subtle or even major mindshift) so to speak. It allows individuals to develop their skills and abilities to peak performance. It also allows the individual clients to achieve their personal dreams and desires.
It allows them with the help of a life or business coach to set and surpass their personal and professional goals. However the client must be willing to act on the advice and solutions the coach provides.

The motivation and commitment must come from the client as the catalyst for change is within them. There are no limits to the mind can concieve and achieve, the Coach will be cheering you on as your own personal cheerleader.They will fight your corner and build you up when everyone around you are tearing you down.
 Especially when the chips are down and you are encountering obstacles or setbacks. The Coach will get you to step out of your own comfort zone and allow you the personal courage to face down your fears. The Communication between the Coach and Client is confidential and a constant flow of information. The Coach will go with you on your own personal journey.
This is why its such a enjoyable,yet challenging role. The Coach will also grow as an individual and I will be explaining the different types of niches in the next section. I will also give a basic insight on the techniques that the coach uses to draw out the answers to the questions the coach asks. The Coach is a problem-solver and  very solution-focussed.

Sunday, 5 October 2014

Coaching uses a lot of techniques in order to assist the client. The Coach will decide on tasks and homework for the client to do until their next session. This is to find out what obstacles or in some cases areas of hindrances thats preventing the client from reachng their personal and professional goals. Below is the areas in which the Coach can specialise their expertise.:
1.Business and Executive Management
2.Entrepreneur and Small Business
3.Health and Wellbeing
4.Relationship and Dating
5.Time Management
The list is by no means exhaustive and the areas are growing all the time.
Its better to specialise or tailor your coaching to each individual client. As its much better and a more effective strategy. Rather then trying to be "Jack of all trades and a Master of None". However some coaches are highly skilled and can advise their clients in all of the above and provide more additional services. Or they work with other coaches and they can refer clients to each other in the area of specialism.

Friday, 3 October 2014

A coach is looking to help people achieve outstanding performance in any field. E.g. The Tennis Coach for example: 1.focus  the mind of the individual and to prevent distractions. 2. Improve the performance and to sharpen the abilities of the tennis player. 3. To Set Goals and to visualise those goals being achieved. give constructive feedback even if unpalatable sometimes. 5.To enable to compete at tournaments at the highest level.

 However the coach can then transfer the skills that he or she possesses in order to coach people in other areas of their lives. Its not only personally and professionally fufilling,but can be profitable.Thats why its so popular as a career choice and many people who are seeking something worthwhile with their lives are attracted to coaching.
As a coach you need to invest time and money in your personal self development. So you can be effective and achieve results for your clients.

The best and most successful coaches never stop learning.If you are interested in becoming a coach. Then you can find many courses on "Life Coaching" or even "Business Coaching". There are recognised coaching academies all over the U.K. and the world. You can even learn from home through a home study or online course. Go onto "Youtube" and watch the videos or invest money and buy books on Amazon.

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Coaching started many years in the U.S. and now is it has grown worldwide. Throughout the U.K.,Europe,Australia and Asia. There are coaches for all kinds of areas. Although still very new here in the U.K. it has now become the norm in our society. However Coaching is not a be all for solving our personal and professional problems or challenges as they are called. The Client has to act and do the exercises that the Coach sets for the client. The stress and presssures of modern day life can be overwhelming for an individual. So The Coach will initially give a free consultation in order to understand the clients problems. It might be a health or personal relationship or even career and business is currently grappling with. The Coach will find out exactly what is wrong and pinpoint the issue directly head-on. He or she will also ask  questions such as Why?,What?When?Why? and sometimes to get to the essence of issue. The Coach wants you to achieve your goal and overcome the obstacles that are preventing you from achieving your goal. A lot of coaches do one to one coaching from home either by telephone or by the internet(i.e. Skype). They may have got trained by one of the recognised coaching schools or academies and may have paid hundreds or thousands to train with the best. Some coaches are so successful that they become speakers,authors and celebrities.
Coaching has mushroomed to a multi-bilion dollar industry.Coaches are not like therapists that focus on the past. They are more interested in a persons future. The are fulltime coaches that come from all walks of life and have used Coaching for a career. Others have started it part time whilst working fulltime in their regular jobs. And have found it so fufilling and profitable that they eventually have gone fulltime.