Monday 3 November 2014

Various Fields of Coaching

6.Sports Coaching: This is a very popular area for coaching in all kinds of sports. The worlds top tennis,soccer,golf and athletics have coaches to improve and enhance their performance. They use feedback from the questions that they ask and use visualisation techniques to give them the edge over their competitors.Successful earn and individual sports players have used coaches extensively and the results speak for themselves. The skills and techniques they use for their coaching clients can be transferred to other areas of personal and business coaching. They are also highly valued and paid by the client. The Coach has also to be at the top of his or her game. As their each move is highly visible in  the media. The successful ones usually have some knowledge and first hand experience in the games.

7.Fitness:Many fitness professionals are also using coaching to develop the health and fitness of their clients. This could be reduce weight or even to become healthier for a particular lifestyle choice. Other Coaches specialise in diet and exercise personal plans for their coaching clients. And use the tools and resources to monitor and follow up on their clients personal health and fitness goals. This can also be very profitable and personally satisfying for the Fitness coach. He or She then get build their coaching practise by word of mouth referrals or personal recommendations.

8.Property:With the obsession over property development and investment over the last 2 decades. There are now coaches specialising in this niche area. Property (and Real Estate in the U.S.A.) is one of the areas where you can build wealth long-term. Property Coaches can coach on how to develop property, Buy-To-Let, Getting tenants or even increase your property portfolio. This is a growing area for coaches. Most coaches will have their own property portfolios.

9.Investment:Investment Coaches if they are qualified to give financial advice on the following on Stocks and shares, Forex,Spreadbetting and Commodities and Indices, This area is highly regulated as its dealing with a clients finances. On how they can manage money better or even how they can grow their money. Remember if you are going to coach a client in this area. It always help if you once again have first-hand knowledge and experience in this field of coaching.

10.Family: I touched briefly on this particular area on the Dating Coaching. However with Family Coaching you can coach the couple or even the family as a whole. The Coach can look at the way the family interacts and the dynamics of the family unit. They can coach on conflict resolution or even how the parents can communicate with their children better. With time both time and money pressures. The Coach can get to the root of the challenges faced by the family individually or even as a whole. By asking questions and getting the feedback from the questions asked.

11. Wealth:They are now many wealth coaches who can show the client how to increase their personal wealth, or how to diversify their income and even prepare for life after work and have a comfortable retirement. They also deal with entrepreneurs and high-flying income earners. They have the necessary skills and resources to develop personal and financial goals to improve their clients finances. They are very well connected and they are very influential.

The above is just a brief synopsis of each field in coaching.This list is not exhaustive and I would just like to point out. That if you are thinking of entering any of the above areas in coaching. Then please do research and look at the qualifications that are required. Also remember a coach be it a personal life or business coach. You are judged on the results that you achieve for your client.

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